Hainichblick Look-Out

Fairly high in the sky on the Hainichblick look-out

At the 20 m high look-out, the impressive changes that are taking place in nature in the southern Hainich are documented. There are panels informing on animals and the surrounding landscape. The views from the look-out are stunning – you can see the newly planted strip of woodland that is part of the Safety Net European Wildcat, stretching from Hainich and via the Hörselberge all the way to the Thuringian Forest. The view also takes in the Werra-Bergland, Rhön and Eisenach with Wartburg Castle, another UNESCO World Heritage site. 

At the bottom of the look-out, which was built in 2011, you can get an idea of the dynamics that nature is deploying here thanks to a series of photos. Inside the look-out and in the hut on the ground you find a lot of information on the landscape, different animals and the European Safety Net Wildcat.
High up on the viewing platform you have more than a phantastic panorama; a look south will focus your eyes more keenly on the protection of the wildcat and other endangered animals. See the landscape through the eyes of a wildcat and follow the only safe route south – the corridor between Hainich and the Thuringian Forest.
To the southwest you see Eisenach with the UNESCO World Heritage site Wartburg Castle. From no other place in the national park you can feel the connection of the "World Heritage region Wartburg Hainich", the connection of culture and nature, better than here!

The Generalsblick

The rock-fill hill in front of the look-out, the "Generalsblick" (General's View), had a military purpose. From there, maneuvres taking place on the training area – the southern part of the Hainich (Kindel) – were observed.

The Generalsblick and the Hainichblick Look-Out can be reached via the Wildcat Path.


Image: Wildcats in Hainich National Park
Rare, shy and never tame Wildcats in Hainich National Park Start slideshow