VDF Thuringia

Supporting the Nature Park & the National Park

Verein der Freunde des Naturparks Eichsfeld-Hainich-Werratals und des Nationalparks Hainich e.V.

The VDF (Friends Association of the Nature Park Eichsfeld-Hainich-Werratal and Hainich National Park) was founded in 1994 and provides specialist and financial support to both protected areas, various publications as well as ideas for regional development. Visitors can book guided walks via the VDF. Everyone can participate in the VDF's activities, either by making a donation or by becoming a member.


Your Contact

Verein der Freunde des Naturparkes Eichsfeld-Hainich-Werratal und des Nationalparks Hainich e. V. Dorfstraße 40
37318 Fürstenhagen
