Horse Riding & Charabanc

Clippety-clop through Hainich

The charabanc, or Kremser in German, is a very popular way to see the national park at leisure. Several local entrepreneurs offer tailor-made charabanc tours. The wintry equivalent – seemingly something from long forgotten times – is also alive and well in our region: a sleigh ride in a horse-drawn carriage.

You can also go and see Hainich on horseback. Paths that may be used by horseriders are marked by a special icon. Stretching over a distance of 16 km, the bridle paths go past the Eiserne Hand, Craulaer Kreuz and the mighty Betteleiche (a very old, giant oak tree).

Kremser tours in the national park

Berka v.d.H.

Contractor: Herr Hübschmann
Telephone: 036924/30416
Mobile: 0162/3713898

Contractor: Herr Grimm
Telephone: 036924/30098
Mobile: 0170/2915886 

Contractor: Herr Moog
Telephone: 036924/31064
Mobile: 0162/2517499
E-mail: adrian130983(at)

Contractor: Herr Schröter
Telephone: 036028/30845 (nur Sa, So)

Contractor: Herr Stephan
Telephone: 036254/71338
Mobile: 0171/7515710
E-mail: Stephan-Reichenbach(at)

Bad Langensalza/Zimmern
Contractor: Reiterhof Wollenhaupt (barrierefrei)
Telephone: 03603/843320
Mobile: 0171/5336114
E-mail: doreen(at)

Contractor: Herr Temm
Telephone: 03601/750331
Mobile: 015787162077 (after 7 p.m.)