Adopted Woodland

Pupils as Woodland Supporters

As part of the project "Adopt a piece of the national park", twelve schools in the Hainich region have been taking care of woodland areas in Hainich since 2007.

True to the national park's motto "Let nature take care of itself", taking care means in this context: exploring natural processes, noticing how meadows are slowly transforming into woodland and experiencing nature in different seasons. All schools have received a special research assignment with their adopted woodland certificate in order to give their pupils even more insights into the dynamic processes in the forest: Pupils identify changes in habitats and document different species, thus gaining comprehensive knowledge about the national park's flora and fauna.

You can read the pupils' reports in the "Hainich Diaries" (in German only). In the partner schools, the adopted woodland is also part of everyday school life by way of creative projects such as wall newspapers, wildcats made of modelling clay or ceramics, beeches made of papier mâché, handmade woodpeckers and other objects. Once a year, all schools meet at the invitation of the national park authority to exchange experiences and present their adopted woodland activities.

  • Foto: Patenschüler des Nationalpark Hainich
  • Foto: Patenschüler des Nationalpark Hainich
  • Foto: Patenschüler des Nationalpark Hainich
  • Foto: Patenschüler des Nationalpark Hainich
  • Foto: Patenschüler des Nationalpark Hainich
  • Foto: Patenschüler des Nationalpark Hainich
  • Foto: Patenschüler des Nationalpark Hainich


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Lisa Mäder

Image: Pupils in Hainich National Park
Playing, learning & exploring Primeval woodland for children Start slideshow