Information about current opening times and admission prices can be found on the Baumkronenpfad website at
Please note that the Canopy Walk is not managed by the National Park Authority, but by the municipality of Bad Langensalza.
Stormy and icy weather may lead to the Canopy Walk being closed at short notice. Get more informations on the Baumkronenpfad website at Please check the 3-day weather forecast for Hainich to avoid disappointment.
The Canopy Walk is near Thiemsburg, a popular starting point for walks in the National Park. Thiemsburg is about 10 km west of Bad Langensalza and easy to reach by public transport or by car.
From Bad Langensalza, drive towards Zimmern, then take the turn to Craula.
From Eisenach, take the B84 towards Bad Langensalza, in Reichenbach take the turn to Craula, in Craula follow the signs to Bad Langensalza.
The rambler's car park Thiemsburg is directly by the road. Both the Canopy Walk and the National Park Centre are just a few minutes' walk away from there.
The coordinates for your sat-nav are:
latitude 51.081297°
longitude 10.517646°
Want to go by bus? Here is the timetable Rambler's Bus
A lift enables the elderly and wheelchair users to explore the 20 m high Canopy Walk.
The Tree Tower, however, cannot be accessed by wheelchair.
Dogs are not allowed up on the Canopy Walk. They can be left free of charge in dog crates at the entrance whilst you visit the treetops.