Friends Association
"Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung des Nationalparks Hainich"
The non-profit association GEN (Association for the Development of Hainich National Park) was founded in 2003 and has since been actively supporting Hainich National Park. It promotes and advises the national park in fulfilling duties in environmental and nature protection, organising events and projects as well as public relations and environmental education. Everyone is warmly welcome to participate.
Executive Committee
Jürgen Dawo, Schlossstraße 12, 99820 Hörselberg- Hainich, OT Behringen
Executive committee members
Anita Gorf, Nessetalstraße 3, 99817 Eisenach, OT Stockhausen
Manuel Spieth, Schloßstraße 10, 99820 Hörselberg-Hainich, OT Hütscheroda
Ulf Blumschein, Ufhofer Kirchplatz 3a, 99947 Bad Langensalza
Manfred Großmann, Augustinerstraße 34, 99084 Erfurt
Your support
If you decide to make a donation to the association, you are helping to preserve the nature in Hainich National Park for the future and you are contributing to conserve a livable, unspoilt environment for animals, plants and humans.
Please also get in touch if you are interested in sponsoring larger projects.
Bank details
account holder: GEN-HainichWartburg-Sparkasse
IBAN: DE71 8405 5050 0000 0963 26