Frost dictates a period of rest for the plants - a time to gather strength.
Here you can get an idea what the primeval forests of Central Europe might have looked like in ancient times.
A unique, extensive and unbroken remnant of the ancient Central European upland beech forest grows here on the limestone of Hainich.
Canopy Walk
National Park Centre
Wildcat Village Hütscheroda
Adventure Trail Brunstal
Adventure Trail Silberborn
Fairytale Nature Path Feensteig
Information centres
Adventure playground
Wildcat Secret Path
Adventure Walks
Green Classrooms
Environmental Education Centre
Primeval Forest Path
Information Centres
Junior Ranger
Adopted Woodland
Press releases
Press photographs
National Park Guides
Ehrensache Natur Programme
Friends of the National Park
Gap year in the National Park
Information & Environmental Education