Pupils' Diary
Hainich Diaries
In our Hainich Tagebücher, we regularly publish contributions on ornithology and the activities of our national park partner schools. Please note that these diaries are available in German only.
Joachim Blank, a biologist and ornithologist from Mülverstedt in the Unstrut-Hainich-District, reports on birds living in Hainich National Park and their special characteristics. On his tours through Hainich in all four seasons he succeeds time and again to observe rare species and extraordinary modes of behaviour.
National Park Partner Schools
As part of the project "Adopt a piece of the national park", pupils from 11 schools in the region are taking care of "their" woodland area in Hainich National Park. True to the motto "Let nature take care of itself", taking care means in this context: observing and exploring natural processes. The children share reports of their projects in the Hainich Diaries.
Please note that the news & presse releases and the Hainich diaries are not translated into English. Thank you for your understanding!